Articles on our survey software for faculty, staff, and researchers.
Qualtrics is the survey tool for the UT System and is a powerful and flexible web survey tool for all of your survey needs.
Learn how to shut down your Qualtrics registration form after you have reached the maximum number of attendees.
Learn how to export Qualtrics data then import it into Excel.
Learn to shut off your survey to prevent additional responses.
Learn how to add or remove someone else's ability to receive email notifications of a Qualtrics survey/form response and alter their access.
Finished collecting Qualtrics survey results, but not sure how to shut off responses? Here are a few simple steps!
Qualtrics has a new Survey Translations Overview page gives you a quick, holistic view of the languages for your survey, the status of each, and quick access to next steps.
REDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys.