Articles on our survey software for faculty, staff, and researchers.

Articles (8)

Pinned Article Qualtrics: Online Survey Tool

Qualtrics is the survey tool for the UT System and is a powerful and flexible web survey tool for all of your survey needs.

Qualtrics: End Your Registration After a Certain Number of Attendees

Learn how to shut down your Qualtrics registration form after you have reached the maximum number of attendees.

Qualtrics: Exporting Data to Excel

Learn how to export Qualtrics data then import it into Excel.

Qualtrics: How to Pause Survey Responses

Learn to shut off your survey to prevent additional responses.

Qualtrics: Sharing Access to a Survey/Form

Learn how to add or remove someone else's ability to receive email notifications of a Qualtrics survey/form response and alter their access.

Qualtrics: Shut Off Responses

Finished collecting Qualtrics survey results, but not sure how to shut off responses? Here are a few simple steps!

Qualtrics: Survey Translations Change

Qualtrics has a new Survey Translations Overview page gives you a quick, holistic view of the languages for your survey, the status of each, and quick access to next steps.


REDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys.