Qualtrics: Online Survey Tool

Qualtrics is a powerful and flexible web survey tool. Qualtrics meets IRB requirements for collecting and storing data including PII, FERPA, and HIPAA/PHI (it is encrypted in transit, at rest, and in backups). A Qualtrics account can be used for academic, research, or administrative purposes, however, it cannot be used for commercial purposes. 

The university recently signed a license to make Qualtrics available through May 31, 2026.

Qualtrics Login
(Existing accounts only)

Request an Account

If you don't have an active Qualtrics account, UTHSC Faculty, staff, and students can request a Qualtrics account.

Why use Qualtrics instead of SurveyMonkey

Qualtrics is at no cost to you, supported (training available), secure (HIPAA and FERPA compliant) and with powerful functionality.

Help Resources

Qualtrics University has numerous resources including online tutorials, documentation, and information about survey design. There are also over 300 sample surveys that can be used "out of the box" or questions that can be copied and pasted into a custom survey created by you. Visit Qualtrics University for more information including training.

We also offer individual and group training consultations. To request training, visit Computer Skills and Desktop Application TrainingOur Training Schedule can be found on the HR 128 Calendar.

On June 1, 2021, Qualtrics rolled out improvements to the Survey Editor, project creation, platform navigation, and line/bar charts. To learn more, see the Qualtrics Support page 
on the New Survey Builder, which includes a short video highlighting some of these changes. 

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Qualtrics is a powerful online survey research tool, and it is available to all faculty, staff, and students at UT. Qualtrics meets IRB requirements for collecting and storing data including PII, FERPA, and HIPAA/PHI (it is encrypted in transit, at rest, and in backups).