Qualtrics: Shut Off Responses

Tags qualtrics

I’m finished collecting responses on my Qualtrics survey.  How do I shut the survey off, so no one else can respond?

  1. Go into your survey, and click on Distributions.
  2. Click on Pause response collection.
    Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated
  3. Select your response to the question about partial responders.  Click Pause response collection.
  4. If you need to resume response collection, follow these same steps and click on Resume response collection.

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Qualtrics is a powerful online survey research tool, and it is available to all faculty, staff, and students at UT. Qualtrics meets IRB requirements for collecting and storing data including PII, FERPA, and HIPAA/PHI (it is encrypted in transit, at rest, and in backups).