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Quick two page overview of Teams
Know when to use OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams, and OnBase
Enable or disable Teams from automatically adding online meetings to your calendar.
How to install Microsoft Teams
Learn how to schedule a meeting in Teams
Learn how to add members, remove members, change the role of a member in a Teams team.
Learn how to create an assignment in Microsoft Teams Classroom.
Learn how to add a SharePoint document library to your Microsoft Teams channel or team.
Learn more about the new naming convention for Microsoft Teams groups.
Learn how to get started with Teams
An introduction to Teams video by Microsoft.
Learn how to create a Team in Microsoft Teams.
Learn how to reply to one specific comment in a Teams chat thread.
Did you enable the Teams Meeting add-in in Outlook, but now it doesn't work? Learn how to re-enable it!
Learn how to add a background to your Teams meeting whether you are just joining or already in the meeting.