All faculty, staff, and students are assigned a Network ID (NetID). Your NetID is the username associated with your accounts for UT Health Science Center.
Your NetID grants secure access to a variety of applications and services, including Blackboard and Microsoft 365 email.
Official University communication (e.g., emails from the Chancellor, Provost, or pay statements) is sent to your University of Tennessee email address.
Your UT email address is
Sponsoring a NetID
An active university faculty or staff member can sponsor a NetID for someone who is doing work for UTHSC but does not have a NetID.
IMPORTANT: Human Resources (HR) reviews and approves all requests before a sponsored NetID is created. Please note that HR may direct the sponsor to his/her unit's business manager to enter the person into DASH instead of approving a sponsored NetiD. If so, entry into DASH will trigger the automatic NetID-creation process and a manual request no longer will be needed.
To sponsor a NetID for someone, complete HR's NetID Request Form. For more details, visit the Sponsoring a NetID article.
NetID Lookup
If you do not know your NetID, you can find it by searching for yourself using the People Search found at the top of our website. Your NetID will be listed after clicking on your name in the listing.
If you have been hired, but cannot find yourself in the People Search, ask your business manager to check with Human Resources.
Set Up/Change Your Password
If your password is less than 12 characters long, it will expire every 180 days.
There’s no expiration date for passwords that are 12 characters or longer when the account has also enrolled in Duo.
Setup your password, security questions, or change your password (it usually expires every 180 days) through our Password Management page.
Password changes take up to 15 minutes to sync to all systems.
Log in to Email
Access your email by going to and entering your NetID and password.