Security Tips for Zoom

Don't Share Zoom Links in Public Places

People are looking to join and disrupt your Zoom sessions. How do they do it? They find your Zoom links posted on public places such as the Daily Digest, Twitter, and Facebook.

How do you avoid it? Don't post Zoom links on social media. Post an email address or form where people can request the Zoom link, then you can be a gatekeeper to your sessions.

Zoom also created an automated system that looks for public links. If it finds one, UTK OIT office may contact you. Learn more at Zoom's "How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event" blog.

Tip How To Do It
Require that all meetings are secured with one security option Before the meeting starts:
  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Click View More Settings at the bottom of the screen. This opens the Zoom web portal in your browser.
  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. Turn on the Require that all meeting are secured with one security option. This will require that all meetings be secured with one security option: a passcode, Waiting Room, or "Only authenticated users can join meetings". If no security option is enabled, Zoom will secure all meetings with Waiting Room. 
Don't enable Personal Meeting ID When scheduling the meeting:
  1. Under Meeting ID, choose Generate Automatically rather than Personal Meeting ID.
  2. Click the Schedule button.
Use a Passcode When scheduling the meeting:
  1. Make sure Passcode under Security is checked and there is a number in the box. This is what your participants will use to get into the meeting.
Authenticate Users When scheduling the meeting:
  1. Under Meeting security, make sure Only authenticated users can join: Sign in to Zoom is checked
Send participants to the Waiting Room (Meetings only) When scheduling the meeting:
  1. Under Meeting security, make sure Waiting Room is checked.

When in a meeting, if you need to suspend participant activities, click Host Tools at the bottom and choose Suspend participant activities

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This is not something that any UTHSC faculty, staff or student needs to request. You already should have one. By logging in with your SSO into, you are accessing your UT Zoom Licensed (Pro) account. However, if you are not using Single Sign On or SSO to login, you will not see it.