Schedule a Meeting Through Outlook

You can schedule a Zoom meeting through an easy-to-install Outlook Add-In. This option also allows you to check participants' schedules to ensure everyone can attend.

  1. Within the Windows Outlook App, click the red Browse Add-ins.  Mac users must click on the Tools menu and then choose Get Add-ins.
    Screen to choose browse Add-ins in Windows Outlook
  2. Search for Zoom for Outlook.
  3. Click Add at the bottom of Zoom for Outlook.
    Screen where you add Zoom add-in
  4. When creating a new meeting in Outlook, select the Add a Zoom Meeting button on the ribbon. Mac users should click ... at the end of the menu, choose Zoom, then Add a Zoom meeting.
    Screen to choose a Zoom meeting
  5. Options mac users choose to schedule Zoom meeting
  6. You may be asked to log into Zoom. You must click SSO and enter tennessee in all lowercase in the Domain field, then sign in with your NetID/password.
    Screen to sign in to Zoom with SSO
  7. Your meeting info (link, call in numbers, password (if set), etc.) is added to the meeting invite. Add users, date, and time.

For Outlook on the Web, click on the Zoom icon. The Zoom invite will be added to the invitation.

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This is not something that any UTHSC faculty, staff or student needs to request. You already should have one. By logging in with your SSO into, you are accessing your UT Zoom Licensed (Pro) account. However, if you are not using Single Sign On or SSO to login, you will not see it.