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Duo issues and solutions/workarounds
Please report any suspicious computer/device issues to the ITS Service Desk at 901.448.2222.
Help with Taleo issues go to UTK
Examplify: Troubleshooting Tips - Cannot Upload Answer File article is to instruct students on steps to take if their answer file does not load immediately due to connection or other technical issues.
If you have been added to a project in TechConnect, you can access it to see a variety of project information, including associated documents, other team members, plan(s), your assigned tasks, etc. You also can mark your progress on your tasks and receive project updates via email.
Learn how to use UTHSC TechConnect features.
Don't use these characters when naming OneDrive or SharePoint files or folders.
SPSS Statistics is the most widely used statistics package at UT.
Is it just you or is it the network? Learn how to find out!
As technology continues to advance, it is essential for our community to stay aligned with emerging tools and technologies while simultaneously ensuring responsible and ethical practices. UTHSC’s Office of Cybersecurity and ITS have created a new guidance practice on the acceptable use of generative artificial intelligence (AI).
Tips and tricks to help you master Visio.
The Shelby County Sheriff's Office delivered a warning on telephone scams and what to look for to avoid being a victim.
Instructions on adding users to a course as secondary instructors.
Find out what services ITS offers UTHSC students.