Now that UTHSC is moving to RingCentral, phone numbers are assigned to your NetID, not to a physical (“hard”) phone. This means that new employees are unable to make and receive calls at a UTHSC phone number until one is assigned or re-assigned to them.
Hiring managers, business managers and/or supervisors should do the following to obtain a phone number for a new employee:
- Submit a RingCentral phone request form in TechConnect. In that request, indicate the new employee’s NetID and whether they should receive a new or existing number.
- If the person will be using an existing number assigned to their position, then request that the number be re-assigned from the person leaving the position to the new person. Indicate the existing number and current assignee in the request.
- If the person needs a new direct number that no one else is using, then request a new number.
- DO NOT assign the person to a departmental number unless that is a number they truly will be answering.
- Once a UTHSC phone number is assigned, have the employee add it to their work and personal information in DASH.
- Direct the employee to instructions for getting started on RingCentral.