ITS Loaner Computer Program

What is it?

The ITS Loaner Computer Program is a resource for UTHSC faculty, staff, and students who need a temporary replacement for a device that is being serviced by ITS.  This can help minimize downtime in the event of a software or hardware failure.  The ITS Loaner pool currently consists exclusively of Windows laptops, configured with the standard UTHSC software and settings. 

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

UTHSC Faculty, staff and students whose device is being serviced by CTS.  Exceptions for other situations may be approved, and will be evaluated as they arise.  The standard loan period is 14 days, or until the repair/troubleshooting process is complete on the original device.  Please note that loaner devices are available on a "first come, first served" basis, and if all devices are currently in use, you may be placed on a waiting list until one becomes available.

Where Can I Get It?

To request a loaner laptop, please fill out the service request form linked on this page.  If the loaner request is approved, ITS will coordinate a time for you to pickup the loaner device from the Service Desk located on the 6th floor of the Lamar Alexander building.