For most questionnaires, you cannot submit the assessment until every question is answered.
If you are unsure how to answer a question, use the comments option to document what additional information is needed. You can save the assessment at any time and return later to continue.
Any question with an * requires an answer.
Using the Justification box
There may be times when you must explain in more detail your answer, especially when the only options are Yes and No. Use the Justification box to give any details necessary but remember to give an answer to the question.
Using Comments
Under the Justification box are three options, the middle one being for comments. Unlike justifying the answer you are providing; the comments icon gives you an opportunity to ask for clarification or “flag” the question for answering after more information is researched.
To use Comments, click on the Comments button and a Comments screen will appear.
Fill in the comment and click Send.
The Comment icon will turn blue and have a number:
You can click on it to review the comment for that specific question.
In the top, right-hand corner, the number of comments for the entire assessment will calculate:
Clicking on that icon will list the question on the assessment that have comments, so you do not have to scroll through an entire assessment searching for those with comments.