Using headings properly is important for accessibility.
- The first title is an H1. A page can only have one H1 title, and this is entered when creating the page.
- The first title within the article should be H2 (this makes the font larger and puts a line underneath the title).
- The next title that relates to the previous is H3. If it doesn't relate to the previous title but is a new subject within the article, use H2 again.
Never skip a level. For example, don't change from an H2 to an H4 just because it looks better—that is not accessible, and accessibility is the whole reason headings are used.
Here's where you choose the Heading:
Please don't bold or italicize headings.
Just to keep things consistent, we have preferred spelling for certain IT terms:
- NetID - instead of Net ID
- Email - instead of e-mail
- WiFi - instead of wifi or WI-FI
- username - instead of user name
- Website and webpage (no spaces or dashes between words)
Communications and Marketing has a brand style guide. But here is a style guide specifically for TechConnect:
- Don't use UTHSC per the Chancellor - use UT Health Science Center unless it sounds awkward, like in the case of NetID or email. In those cases, use UT NetID or UT email.
- Article titles shouldn't start with "How to..." to help users find articles more easily. They should be descriptive of the type of instructions they contain and easy for the user to find - Zoom, Microsoft, Outlook, etc.
- Don't use "How to Download Zoom."
- Use "Downloading Zoom" or if there are a lot of Zoom articles a main category, use something like "Zoom: How to Download."
- For instructions with content like "Click Submit," it should read Click Submit, not Click "Submit" or Click Submit. The action should be bolded.
- Don't add your name to a TechConnect Article (when it is published, your name appears on the right with other information about the article)
- Don't use italics (per C&M's Quick Style Guide for Writers). Use quotes if referring to a book or article that isn't linked.
- Numbers: Spell out below 10; use numerals for 10 and greater except when they begin a sentence.
- Don't use periods after am and pm (and don't capitalize per C&M).
- Phone numbers are always written with periods, not dashes (901.448.2222).
You may have an article that could go in several different categories. Put it in the one that makes the most sense, then put shortcuts in other categories.
For example, under the File Storage and Sharing category, we have an article about the difference between different storing options:
Notice the anchor icon? This means the article actually lives in another category, but just has a shortcut in this category.
If you edit the shortcut, you will see it tells you at the top that it is a shortcut and that the breadcrumb shows the actual location:
You can edit the file at this point. You do not need to go to the actual location to do so.
To add a shortcut to a category
- Navigate to the category where you want to put the shortcut.
- Click +New Shortcut.
- Either start typing the name or click the magnifying glass icon to search.
Yes, yes, it can.
AI might not be able to write the instructions for you, but it can give you a good start.
For example, you can go to UT Verse and ask it to create instructions with bullet points on how to set your auto-reply in Outlook for Windows.
Look what it gave me:
You cannot take this and just drop it in a KB without going through it and verifying its accuracy, but it is a great start!