Schedule a Meeting in Teams


Learn how to schedule a meeting in Teams


The following tutorial provides information on using MS Teams online or with the desktop application. Before beginning this tutorial, ensure you have access to MS Teams on either your desktop or your mobile device. Download the MS Teams desktop application

Scheduling a Meeting in a Channel 

  1. Select the Calendar on the left sidebar. 

  1. On the top right of the Calendar screen, select New Meeting.  

  1. On the next screen, enter Meeting Details and add the required attendees. You can also add a Team Channel. An agenda can be shared with attendees by including it in the meeting details. 

  1. You can use the Scheduling Assistant to check participant availability.
  2. Save the meeting in the top right corner. 



Article ID: 147932
Fri 11/3/23 10:13 AM
Mon 2/3/25 11:20 AM