Copy From Ultra to Ultra Course


In Blackboard Ultra, users can copy individual content items or all content items from a course. This article will walk you through how to copy all course content from one Blackboard Ultra course to another.


In Blackboard Ultra, users can copy individual content items or all content items from a course. This article will teach you how to copy all course content from one Blackboard Ultra course to another.

Navigate to the course where you want the copied content to go.

Blackboard Ultra screen that shows course content

Copying an Entire Course

  1. On the Course Content page, select the three-dot menu next to the search option on the Course Content page. Select Copy Items from the menu.
  2. Select the search bar to find a course by its name or ID. You can also search for Organizations by clicking on the Organizations tab.
  3. Select a checkbox next to the name of the course to do a full course copy.
    Note: You can’t do a full course copy from the course you’re currently working on. Make sure you have navigated out of the course you wish to do a full course copy before copying. All settings are preserved when you perform a full course copy (including due dates, visibility states, and release conditions).
  4. Select Start Copy.

    Note: Copies are a queued process. The spinner at the bottom of the Course Content page is a validation check that loops every five seconds to see if the copy has finished. Once finished, the Course Content page will refresh, and the copied items will display at the bottom of your Course Content page. You do not need to stay on the Course Content page for the copy to be processed. Most copies are completed within 25 seconds.

Copying Individual Course Items

  1. On the Course Content page, select the three-dot menu next to the search option on the Course Content page. Select Copy Items from the menu.
    Blackboard Ultra screen that shows course content
  2. Select the search bar to find a course by its name or ID. You can also search for Organizations by clicking on the Organizations tab.
  3. Select the name of a course to see its available items to copy. You should see the following categories:
  • Content: Items that are listed on the Content tab for that course.
  • Discussions: Items that are listed on the Discussions tab for that Course.
  • Question Banks: All available Question Banks for that course.
  • Rubrics: All available Rubrics for that course.
  1. Select a category to see available items for copy.
  2. Select the items you would like to copy.
  3. Select Start Copy.
    Note: Copies are a queued process. The spinner at the bottom of the Course Content page is a validation check that loops every five seconds to see if the copy has finished. Once finished, the Course Content page will refresh, and the copied items will display at the bottom of your Course Content page. You do not need to stay on the Course Content page for the copy to be processed. Most copies are completed within 25 seconds.

Copy Content from Other Courses



Article ID: 147265
Thu 9/14/23 4:08 PM
Fri 2/28/25 12:29 PM