Transferring Hard Drive Documents to OneDrive


Learn how to move documents from your hard drive to OneDrive.


Log onto OneDrive

  1. Open or Select an Internet Browser such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari to access Outlook Office365.
  2. Type the URL into the internet browser address bar.
    Graphical user interface, application

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  3. Type your UTHSC email > Click Next.
    Graphical user interface, application

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  4. Type your UTHSC NetID password > Click Sign in.
    Graphical user interface

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  5. Click No.
  6. Click OneDrive.

Create a Folder for MyDrive Documents in OneDrive

  1. Click New.
  2. Click Folder.
  3. Type Hard Drive docs > Click Create.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. Click Files or Folder.
  6. Click This PC (PC Hard Drive) or Insert (Mac Hard Drive) > Click Your File or Folder.
  7. Click Upload (For a Folder) or Open (For Files).
  8. The Folder or files will appear in your OneDrive folder.
    OneDrive filenames and folders cannot contain any of the following characters:  " * : < > ? / \ | 

Move Hard Drive documents to UTHSC OneDrive

  1. Select documents or files> drag and drop or Copy & Paste them into to OneDrive. The blue circular arrows beside your files mean that they are syncing to the cloud. When they're done syncing, green checkmarks are displayed.
    OneDrive filenames and folders cannot contain any of the following characters:  " * : < > ? / \ | 

In addition to working on your OneDrive files locally, you can access them from your web browser:

  1. In your web browser, sign in to with your UTHSC email and password.
  2. Select OneDrive. All of your files are listed, and you can work on them in the browser from any computer. 

You have moved your documents from the Hard Drive to OneDrive! 



Article ID: 135663
Fri 9/10/21 4:43 PM
Wed 2/5/25 12:08 PM